
Distance Free 2,600 LC Meters
Designed by Coach Mark

Workout - 32516
Warm-up (500)
4 x 100 swim 
...w/ :10 rest
2 x 50 kick 
...w/ :10 rest 

Set (1200)
Swim 4 x 50's on 1:00 
...3 dolphin kicks off each wall
rest 1min
4 x 100's on 1:45/2:15
...Odds swim/evens kick
rest 1min
4 x 150's on 2:45 
...100 free/50 fast kick

Set (500)
Pull 2 x 250 on 4:00
3 kicks off each wall
...solid and steady pace

Cool-down (400)
...choice of equipment
…400 moderate to ez