
Competition Name
2015 Fire Island 400 Meter & 1 Mile Ocean Swim Charity Fundraising Event (USAS)
Meet Date
Sat, 7/11/2015

Fire Island 400 Meter & 1 Mile
Ocean Swim Charity Fundraising Event for Open Water Swim LLC
Sanctioned by USA Swimming, Sanction #150780-OW

EVENT DESCRIPTION:  The 400 Meter and 1 Mile Ocean Swim hosted by Open Water Swim LLC is a open water charity swim event that will start/finish at AtlantiqueBeach , Fire Island, ocean side.  400 Meter Swim is open to USA Swimmers only ages 10 years and under.  The 400 Meter swim will start at the starting gate and will run east 200 meters out, left shoulder turn at turn buoy and 200 meters back parallel to the beach. Start and Finish will take place on the beach. The1 Mile race is open to USA Swimmers ages 11-17. The 1 Mile swim is from Atlantique west .5 miles loop to Fair Harbor, left shoulder at turn buoy and back to Atlantique and runs parallel to the beach.  Start/finish will be on the beach to the west of Atlantique lifeguard stand. Swim course will be clearly marked with buoys.   Lifeguards, stand-up paddlers, kayaks and a jet ski with rescue sled will monitor the entire course. There will be designated water breaks for both distance swims. Swimmers will be required to adhere to USA Swimming Rules governing conduct and attire.   Currents and surf can vary, swimmers should be prepared for a challenging swim and must be conditioned for the open water.  Race director reserves the right to modify race or cancel swim if severe dangerous conditions arise. 

COURSE INFORMATION:   The 1 Mile race is from Atlantique west .5 miles loop to Fair Harbor and back to Atlantique. The 400 Meter starts at the starting buoys and runs east of the longer distance swims and swimmers will swim out 200 meters and back to the starting point.  All swimmers will start and finish on the beach. The race course is in the ocean approximately 30 feet off shore swimming parallel to the shore line. Start/finish will be on the beach to the West of Atlantique lifeguard stand. Swim course will be clearly marked with many brightly marked buoys. Left shoulder turns on buoys.  Race Director may modify course if dangerous conditions arise.  Wave designations and swim direction will be determined closer to race date subject to number of race entrants and weather conditions. Expected water temperature range is 66-70°F with some chop and currents due to wind, and the possibility of flotsam, jetsam and jellyfish.

EVENT LOCATION: Race headquarters will be located at Atlantique Beach on ocean front. There are restroom facilities, showers, and changing areas available. There is also a food market area for drinks, food (breakfast, lunch, dinner).  For more information, go to Session Stands on Facebook. We encourage swimmers to pack a cooler with food and beverage for convenience. Race check-in and the awards ceremony will both be held on the beach to the west (right) of the lifeguard stand at Atlantique Beach.

Take the ferry from the Bay Shore ferry terminal at the end of Maple Avenue in Bay Shore. 
BY PRIVATE BOAT: Atlantique docking is available on a first-come first-served basis. The dock master monitors VHF Ch. 9 or you can call the dock master’s office (631-767-0234). There is anchorage on either side of the marina so you can anchor out if you like. This will save on fees and give you more privacy. 
Ferry ticket prices are $17 Adult round trip and Child RT 2-12 yrs $7.50. 
Directions to Fire Island Ferry
Info about Fire Island
NOTE: You can take an earlier Ferry to Dune Wood with a two-minute walk to Atlantique.  There will be signs for the OWS and where to go from the Dune Wood Ferry.  This is highly will give you more time to relax and prepare for the event.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all 2015 USA-Swimming registered swimmers, and those who pay the non-member One-Day Membership fee of $20. Non-members of USA-Swimming and non-members of USMS may register for this event paying a One-Day Membership fee of $20 AND filling out the form linked here. The One-Day Membership form must be printed, filled out, and delivered on race day.

No Race Day Registrations will be accepted. Age determination date for this event is Saturday, July 11, 2015. USA-Swimmers MUST provide their USA member #s, birthdate and name as it appears on their membership cards.  400 meter swim will only be open to USA Swimmers 10 years and under.

Trouble Registering?
If you have any trouble getting through the USA Swimming member verification in this event entry, please go to your coach or your LSC registrar to get your accurate USA Swimming ID number.

FIELD LIMIT:  Maximum number of swimmers 100 on a first-received basis.

ACCEPTANCE:  Each swimmer will need to provide information about their swimming history and pace per mile, provide 2015 USA member #s, birthdate and name as it appears on their membership cards, and sign a waiver.  Once race organizers review and accept the application, swimmer must pay entry fee online. All applicable 2015 USA Swimming rules, regulations and safety requirements will be enforced.

RULES: Current USA-Swimming Rules and Regulations will apply. The USA Swimming Code of Conduct is in effect for the duration of this event.

RACE ORGANIZER: Bryan Krut, Phone 516-356-5306,  E-Mail

COACHES: In accordance with Metropolitan Swimming Inc. Policy, only those coaches who display current, valid USA Swimming credentials will be permitted to act in a coaching capacity.

SAFETY:  Open Water Swim LLC Safety Procedures will be in effect. Officials will be present throughout warm-up and competition, and have the authority to remove, with the concurrence of the Event Referee, any swimmer, coach, club, or spectator for failure to follow safety rules. Fire Island Ocean District Lifeguards, Salt Air Lifeguards, kayaks, stand up paddlers and Jet Ski with rescue and licensed operator will monitor the course. Saltaire Town EMT and Fire Department will be on call.  The EMT and FIOD will be performing normal duties. Suffolk Police will transport distressed swimmers to Good Samaritan Hospital located in West Islip approximately 30 minutes away should this type of assistance be needed.  Swimmers in the water in need of assistance will be transported to the beach since this is the fastest way to provide emergency aid.  No ambulances will be on hand since the Saltaire and Ocean beach ambulance is located only minutes from race venue. . In case of inclement weather or dangerous conditions, the event director may modify or close the course and prevent swimmers from completing the swim. Swimmers will be given a highly visible numbered swim cap that must be worn as the top cap during the swim. All swimmers must have their race number on their arms and caps. Body-marking (numbering) will occur on event day during swimmer check-in.

AUDIO/VISUAL: Use of Audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, restrooms or locker rooms. USA Swimming Rules 202.3 and 202.4

DISCLAIMER: "Upon acceptance of his/her entry, the participant waives all claims against the Town of Islip, Open Water Swim LLC, Fire Island Ocean Rescue., USA Swimming Inc. and Metropolitan Swimming Inc. and their agents or representatives, host facilities, event sponsors, and event committees for any injury occurring as a result of the event. It is understood that USA Swimming, Inc., Metropolitan Swimming Inc., and Open Water Swim LLC, shall be free from liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event. Finally, I specifically acknowledge that I am aware of all the risks inherent in Open Water swimming and agree to assume those risks.”

SWIMMER ESCORTS:  Safety and escort craft will be provided and will accompany swimmers throughout the event. Support craft other than designated race craft are not permitted.  

AGE GROUPS:    10 and under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-17 boys and girls.

ENTRY LIMIT: Swimmers may participate in one (1) event only. NO wetsuits may be worn.

DIVISIONS: 10 & under: 400 meters; 11&12, 13&14, 15-17: ONE mile.

TIMING: Electronic timing chips will be used. Each swimmer will wear an electronic timing chip on an ankle bracelet to automatically record his or her time. Timing chips will be collected at the finish area. Swimmers who fail to return their timing chip will be assessed a $30 charge.

AWARDS: Awards will be presented to the top three finishers by gender in each age group and race division. Special awards will be presented to the overall male and female winners in each race category/division. Award ceremony will be held at the start/finish line on the beach 45 minutes after the last swimmer has exited the water.

GOODIES: Commemorative event shirt, generous goodie bag, and pre- and post-race refreshments.

RESULTS: Results will be posted online at Metro LSC website: and

9:00AM         Check-In begins
10:30AM        Check-In ends
10:45AM        Mandatory race briefing at course start for all swimmers
11:00-11:30   USMS Swimmers start: 10K, 5K and 1 Mile
11:40AM        1 Mile USA-Swimmers begin
11:50AM        400 Meter Swimmers begin
1:00PM          Award ceremony for 400 Meter and 1 Mile
3:00PM          Race ends for all swimmers
3:45PM          Awards ceremony for 5K and 10K Swimmers

400 METER (10 AND UNDER) REGISTRATION:        Until July 6, 2015                  $15.00
1 Mile USA SWIMMERS 11-17 YEARS OF AGE:        Until July 6, 2015                  $25.00

Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.  No Refunds will be granted due to cancellation of race due weather and/or water conditions.

ONLINE REGISTRATION:  Online registration only (with VISA or M/C only) will remain open until 11:59PM  Monday, July 6, 2015.  Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.  Your credit card statement will reflect a charge from No Refunds will be granted due to cancellation of race under any circumstances. 

To comply with safety plan, race day registration will NOT be available.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

Direct inquiries to Race Organizer Bryan Krut via email or mobile 516-356-5306
Online event info updates at

FUNDRAISING:  Please make every attempt to fundraise as we have lined up a number of great charitable causes that need your financial support!  Donations are at swimmers discretion, from $5.00 to $500+.  We are raising funds for the following organizations.  HOSPICE Care Network Children and Family Bereavement and Fire Island Ocean Rescue.  Make donation checks payable to St. Frances Sports Inc. 501C(3) NON PROFIT Organization and mail to:  7 Beechwood Court, Lake Grove, NY 11755.

Fire Island - Atlantique Beach
City, State, ZIP
Fire Island, NY 11770
Course Description
Date Entry Due
Mon, 7/6/2015