
Competition Name
2014 Fire Island 1-Mile, 5K & 10K Ocean Swims
Meet Date
Sat, 7/12/2014

Charity Fundraising Event for Open Water Swim LLC
Sanctioned by the Metropolitan LMSC for USMS, Inc. Sanction #pending

EVENT DESCRIPTION: The 1 Mile, 5K & 10K Ocean Swims hosted by Open Water Swim LLC, is a four-hour open water swim event that will start/finish at Atlantique, Fire Island, ocean side. The race course is a loop between Atlantique and Kismet. 1 Mile race is from Atlantique west to Fair Harbor .5 miles loop. 5K race is from Atlantique to Kismet and back to Atlantique. 10K is two loops from Atlantique to Kismet. Start/finish will be on the beach to the east of Atlantique lifeguard stand. Swim course will be clearly marked with buoys. Lifeguards, stand-up paddlers and kayaks will monitor the entire course. There will be designated water breaks for both distance swims. Swimmers will be required to adhere to U. S. Masters Swimming Rules governing conduct and attire. Race director reserves the right to modify race or cancel swim if severe dangerous conditions arise.

COURSE INFORMATION: The 10K race is two full loops between Atlantique and Kismet marking two buoys at turnaround point. The 5K race is from Atlantique to Kismet and back to Atlantique marking two buoys at turnaround. The race course is in the ocean approximately 30 feet off shore swimming parallel to the shore line. 1 Mile race is from Atlantique west to Fair Harbor .5 miles loop. Start/finish will be on the beach to the East of Atlantique lifeguard stand. Swim course will be clearly marked with many brightly marked buoys. Left shoulder turns on buoys. Race Director may modify course if dangerous conditions arise. Wave designations and swim direction will be determined closer to race date subject to number of race entrants and weather conditions. Expected water temperature range is 66-70°F with some chop and currents due to wind, and the possibility of flotsam, jetsam and jellyfish.

EVENT LOCATION: Race headquarters will be located at Atlantique Beach on ocean front. There are restroom facilities, showers, and changing areas available. There is also a food market area for drinks, food (breakfast, lunch, dinner). For more information, go to Session Stands on FACEBOOK. Race check-in and the awards ceremony will both be held on the beach to the east (left) of the lifeguard stand at Atlantique Beach.

DIRECTIONS: BY FERRY: Take the ferry from the Bay Shore ferry terminal at the end of Maple Avenue in Bay Shore. BY PRIVATE BOAT: Atlantique docking is available on a first-come first-served basis. The dock master monitors VHF Ch. 9 or you can call the dock master’s office (631-767-0234). There is anchorage on either side of the marina so you can anchor out if you like. This will save on fees and give you more privacy. Directions to Fire Island Ferry at with info about Fire Island at NOTE: You can take an earlier Ferry to Dune Wood with a two-minute walk to Atlantique. There will be signs for the OWS and where to go from the Dune Wood Ferry. This is highly will give you more time to relax and prepare for the event.

ELIGIBILITY: Must be 18 years of age or older and registered with U. S. Masters Swimming ("USMS"). Age determination date is July 12, 2014. A legible copy of 2014 USMS registration card must be included with mail-in entry form. For annual USMS registration/renewal go to One-day single-event ("OEVT") discounted fee USMS registration available for non-annual USMS members (online event registration system MUST be used to exercise this OEVT option).

FIELD LIMIT: Maximum number of swimmers 300 on a first-received basis.

ACCEPTANCE: Each swimmer will need to provide information about their long distance swimming history and pace per mile, provide 2014 USMS registration card number, and sign a waiver. Once race organizers review and accept the application, swimmer must pay entry fee either online or by check. 10K SWIMMERS MUST HAVE COMPETED IN AN OPEN WATER SWIM DISTANCE OF FOUR MILES OR LONGER. All applicable 2014 USMS rules, regulations and safety requirements will be enforced.

ACCEPTABLE SWIM ATTIRE: Wet suits ARE permitted but will be timed under a separate “wetsuit” category. All swim suits and equipment for non-wetsuit swimmers must conform to current USMS open water rules.* Use of MP3 players and other electrical audio/communication devices by the swimmer during event is not permitted.

*In September 2010, the USMS House of Delegates voted to follow new regulations regarding swimsuits for open water competition, effective January 1, 2011. For all open water national championships events, swimwear shall be made of textile material. For men, the swim suit shall not extend above the navel or below the knee. For women, the swim suit shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulders nor extend below the knees. There are no “fastener” specifications.

SWIMMER ESCORTS: Safety and escort craft will be provided and will accompany swimmers throughout the event. Support craft other than designated race craft are not permitted. Optional water breaks will be provided for swimmers throughout the swim.

AGE GROUPS: 18-24, 25-29, 30-34, and so on in five-year increments, as high as necessary for men and women.

AWARDS: Awards for the top finishers, gender and division (non-wetsuit and wetsuit). Special prizes awarded to the overall male and female finishers. Award ceremony will be held at the start/finish line on the beach 45 minutes after the last swimmer has exited the water.

GOODIES: Commemorative event shirt, towels, generous goodie bag, and pre- and post-race refreshments.

RESULTS: Results will be posted online at and

9:00 AM – Check-In begins
10:30 AM – Check-In ends
10:45 AM – Mandatory race briefing at course start for all swimmers
11:00 AM – 10K Swimmers begin
11:15 AM – 5K Swimmers begin
11:30 AM – 1 Mile Swimmers begin
3:00 PM – Race ends
3:45 PM – Awards ceremony

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION closes March 31, 2014 – $75.00
PRE REGISTRATION closes May 31, 2014 – $100.00
REGISTRATION closes June 30, 2014 – $125.00

Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Final mail-in entry deadline is RECEIVED (not postmarked) by 5:00 PM on June 30, 2014.

ONLINE REGISTRATION: Race organizers strongly urge swimmers to register online for speed and accuracy. Online registration (with VISA, M/C or Discover) will remain open until 11:59 PM June 30, 2014. Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Your credit card statement will reflect a charge from Events.

To comply with safety plan, race day registration will NOT be available. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Note: $10 of your entry fee will be donated to Fire Island Ocean Rescue Lifeguard Nationals Team and Regional Team

FUNDRAISING: Please make every attempt to fundraise as we have lined up a number of great charitable causes that need your financial support! Donations are at swimmers discretion, from $5.00 to $500+. We are raising funds for the following organizations: HOSPICE Care Network Children and Family Bereavement and Fire Island Ocean Rescue. Include amount during online registration or make donation checks payable to St. Frances Sports Inc. 501C(3) NON PROFIT Organization and mail to: 7 Beechwood Court, Lake Grove, NY 11755.

Direct inquiries to Race Director Bryan Krut via email or mobile 516-356-5306

Online event info updates at

Fire Island - Atlantique Beach
City, State, ZIP
Fire Island, NY 11770
Course Description
Date Entry Due
Thu, 7/10/2014