MEMO Swim Team

Saturday, December 1, 2018 - Thursday, January 10, 2019

MEMO Swim Team



400 Kick for Time - A USMS Postal Event

Registration closed on Thursday, January 10, 2019.
Try another Event.


"Kick" the event between December 1, 2018 and January 10, 2019.

Enter your results on this website by January 10.

The event shall be performed in a USMS organized/supervised practice.

Why the 400 Kick for Time?

It's a repeating set we do at MEMO, and we wanted the world to have just as much fun. Kicking is an important component of fast swimming, and really, does anyone kick enough?


  1. You may use any style of kicking, and you may change styles, but you must use a kickboard.

  2. No "stroking" into wall.

  3. No flip turns.

  4. You may do the 400 Kick for Time in any length course and convert to yards using this time conversion utility. When using the utility, please select your EVENT only as the 400IM! No other event will correctly convert.

  5. Must be completed between December 1, 2018 and January 10, 2019.

  6. Entry must be submitted online or received by mail by January 10, 2019.

  7. In open water and postal swims, the eligibility of a swimmer shall be determined by the age of the swimmer on December 31 of the year of competition, except for 18-year-olds, who must be 18 on the day that they swim.

  8. No fins allowed.

  9. Two kickers per lane maximum, with no circle swimming.


Unique 400 Kick Awards for the first three finishers in each age group, men and women.


Entry fee $10.00

Event T-Shirt $20.00 including shipping (click HERE to view an image of the T-shirt)

Online Entries:

Register online on Club Assistant - click on the REGISTER NOW link below to begin.

Online entries are paid by credit card to " Events."

Paper Entries:

Please, if possible enter electronically. To request a Paper Entry Form send a SASE to Marcia Benjamin, 769 Rodney Dr., San Leandro, CA 94577-3826. Checks are payable to MEMO Swim Team.

Team Entries: Team entries are gladly accepted!  Email Marcia Benjamin at for entry procedures.


Complete results will be available by mail or online. Preliminary results will be posted on the PacMasters website at by early February, 2019, for two weeks. All corrections must be sent to the event director during those two weeks. Final results will be posted approximately one week later.

Any 25 Yard Pool

Registration closed on Thursday, January 10, 2019.